2. Authenticating as an edX REST Web Service User#

The edX Course Catalog API is a REST web services API. An API client is a program, utility, or other tool that you can use to exchange messages with an API. When you use the edX API, you use a client to make requests and receive response data. Clients must authenticate when they make API requests. Authenticating allows the edX API to verify the identity of the client and associate that identity with a specific edX.org user.

When a client authenticates with the edX API, the client completes the following process.

  • The client presents a client identifier and a secret string to the /oauth2/v1/access_token authentication resource and receives an access token.

  • The client includes the access token when the client makes another API request.

An access token is a text string that includes encoded information about the client, the user, and the period of time in which the token is valid. Access tokens expire after a period of time that is specified when you request them. After an access token expires, you must get a new token from the /oauth2/v1/access_token authentication resource.

The following diagram shows a client presenting its client ID and client secret to the /oauth2/v1/access_token authentication resource. The authentication resource returns an access token.

A diagram showing a REST client application presenting ID and secret credentials to the authentication web service and receiving an access token.

The following diagram shows a client presenting an access token when the client requests a resource. After the edX API accepts the access token, it returns the resource data.

A diagram showing a REST client application presenting an access token when it requests a REST resource from api.edx.org.

The edX API uses the OAuth 2.0 standard for authentication. OAuth 2.0 is an open standard used by many systems that require secure user authentication. See the OAuth 2.0 Standard for more information.

The edX API uses JSON web tokens (JWT) as access tokens for authentication. JWT access tokens are digitally signed and encoded strings of information about the edX user who presents the token. For more information about JWT, see JWT.

The example API requests shown in this guide use the curl command-line program to send HTTP messages to the edX API. You can use any technology to send REST API requests. The examples use the curl program to show the syntax and data for a request in a way that is easy to read. For more information about the curl program, see curl client program.

The following sections provide more information about authenticating as an edX API user.

2.1. Getting a Client ID and Client Secret#

Your API client credentials consist of a client ID and a client secret. EdX generates your client credentials after you request access to the edX API.

To obtain your client credentials, complete the following steps.

The following example shows a client ID and client secret.

Application Name: My REST Web Services Application

API Client ID: VBu9oI0h4OkrEA29DPn1F8ArNOiviEKq05UHbzwe

API Client Secret: wDSbvs7vs5Xj9P9oE73pAV6L4iZxfPdPjagkBdmLzqtQ6lqu2IMXuTt

2.1.1. Create an Account on edx.org for API Access#

To request access to the edX Course Catalog API, you need a dedicated edx.org account with a user name that matches your organization’s identity. For example, if you are at an organization named Example, Inc., you need to create an edX account with a user name like Example. This enables edX to match your Course Catalog API request with an organization that is authorized to use the Course Catalog API.

2.1.2. Complete the EdX API Access Request Form#

To request access to the edX Course Catalog API, follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to edX at https://courses.edx.org/login with an account whose user name matches your organization’s identity, as described in Create an Account on edx.org for API Access.

  2. Go to http://courses.edx.org/api-admin.

  3. On the EdX API Access Request page, enter the information for your organization. All fields are required.

    • Company Name: The name of your company.

    • Website: The URL for your company’s website.

    • Company Address: Your company’s mailing address. This can be a street address or a post office box.

    • Application Description: A brief description of the main use for your application.

  4. At the bottom of the form, select the Terms of Service check box.

  5. Select Request API Access to submit your request.

After you submit the request form, edX will review your request, and then edX will send you an email message approving your request or providing more information.

2.1.3. Generate API Credentials#

When you receive your approval email message from edX, follow these steps.

  1. Go to http://courses.edx.org/api-admin/status.

  2. On the page that opens, enter the following information.

    • Name: An identifying name that you assign to your application.

    • Redirect URIs (optional): The redirect URL or URLs for your application. Not all edX REST web services clients use redirect URLs. For example, you do not need a redirect URL to use the Course Catalog API.

  3. Select Generate API client credentials.

The screen displays your application name, client ID, client secret, and any redirect URIs that you entered. Make sure that you record your client ID and client secret.

If you need to regenerate your credentials, go to http://courses.edx.org/api- admin/status and select Generate API client credentials again. Do not change the existing Name and Redirect URIs values.

2.2. Getting an Access Token#

To get an access token, you send a POST request to the /oauth2/v1/access_token authentication resource. The response you receive contains the access token string.

To get an access token for the edX API, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure you have the client ID and client secret strings for your API client.

  2. Send a POST HTTP request to the /oauth2/v1/access_token authentication resource. Include your client identifier and client secret in the message body of your POST request. Include the client ID and secret in a string that includes grant_type=client_credentials and token_type=jwt as shown in the following example.

    grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={client id}&client_secret={client secret}&token_type=jwt

    For an example request, see Example Access Token Request.

  3. Find the access token string in the access_token value in the JSON response data. For more information about the authentication endpoint response data, see Understanding the Authentication Endpoint Response.

    The following example access_token value includes an access token string.

    "access_token": "4IHZlbCB2aXZlcnJhIGdyYXZpZGEsIHJpc3V.TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9

2.2.1. Example Access Token Request#

The following example curl program command requests an access token from the edX API authentication endpoint.

curl -X POST -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=VB1AkrAE28ArNnOizi4OEKq03UGu9oI0h9DPbvwe&client_secret=wFMUqjZKQzboPEQSBLxERatup7r772hzg98xLu6fr6s7vIta5Xj3MPmrKEZbfPdPjagkBdmLjQXlqu2IMC2TnaMutVLZF9AGXn9LqZv9P9oE73pAV6L4iZxzpuQBuTmk&token_type=jwt" https://api.edx.org/oauth2/v1/access_token

2.2.2. Understanding the Authentication Endpoint Response#

The edX API authentication endpoint returns JSON data that includes an access token string and information about that access token.

The values in the authentication endpoint response data are described in the following list.

  • access_token: The access token string that you can use to make API requests.

  • expires_in: The length of time, in seconds, that the access token will be accepted. The period of time starts when the authentication service issues the token. Note that this value may change at any time and should not be hard-coded in any scripts that make requests for an access token.

  • scope: The internal resources that your API client has access to. You do not need to use the information in the scope value.

  • token_type: A description of the format of the access token. You specify the format of an access token when you use that token to make API requests.

The following example JSON response data shows the access_token value and the access token string.

  "access_token": "4IHZlbCB2aXZlcnJhIGdyYXZpZGEsIHJpc3V.TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9
  "expires_in": 180,
  "scope": "read write profile email",
  "token_type": "JWT"

2.3. Using an Access Token to Make REST Requests#

To make an edX API request, you include an access token string in the Authorization HTTP header field. In addition to the access token string, you specify the token type, for example JWT.

The following example curl program command sends a request to an edX API endpoint. The example request includes the token type and access token string in the Authorization HTTP header field.

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: JWT 4IHZlbCB2aXZlcnJhIGdyYXZpZGEsIHJpc3V.TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9sb3Igc2l0IGFtZXQsIGNvbnNlY3RldHVyIGFkaXBpc2NpbmcgZWxpdC4gRXRpYW0gdGluY2lkdW50IG9kaW8gZWdldCB0aW5jaWR1bnQgcG9ydGEuIEZ1c2NlIHZlaGljdWxhIGFyY3UgdGVsbHVzLCBzaXQgYW1ldCBmcmluZ2lsbGEgZXN0IHByZXRpdW0gc2VkLiBDdXJhYml0dXIgY29uc2VxdWF0IHVsdHJpY2llcyB0cmlzdGlxdWUuIEluIGVzdCBwdXJ1cywgZmFjaWxpc2lzIGFjIGxlY3R1cyBxdWlzLCBsdWN0dXMgdGVtcG9yIG9yY2kuIEludGVnZXIgdml0.YWUgbmVxdWUgbGlndWxhLiBVdCBjb25zZXF1YXQsIGV" https://api.edx.org/catalog/v1/catalogs/